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Thinking about getting a mini

19 11:37:31

My husband and I are thinking about getting a miniature schnauzer puppy. We will both be gone for 8-8.5 hours a day during the week, and I was wondering if that will be okay for the dog. When we are home, we will be able to play with it a lot, and take it for walks daily. Just want the dog to stay happy and healthy.

The only way one should consider getting a younger puppy (of any breed) when they are gone all day is to have someone who can come in at lunchtime to potty the puppy and play with it for a bit. Otherwise, I feel that a person should consider getting an older puppy or an adult dog (ie. rescue). Young puppies' bladders are only good for about four hours when they are confined.

A schnauzer is a good choice; that is a most wonderful breed! Be sure you get a dog from a good breeder:

Here is also a great site to learn more about schnauzers:  
