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Dogs Urinating a lot

19 13:56:48

I have two dogs, a silky terrier and a yorkie/silky mix who since today have been urinating a lot. Both were fed half a can of spam with vitamins today for the first time since the dry food ran out. They've drank the same amount of water as usual but for some reason have urinated in big puddles. They are weewee pad trained and in a matter of 2 to 3 hours the pad has been completely full. Could you please explain to me what is going on and if its i should be concerned with? Thank you.

HI Daisy,
Have you fed them Spam before? It is very high in sodium. They may have drank more water than they normally do because of that and thefore are urinating more.  If this is something new and feeding spam is new, then it may very well be connected.  Stick to dog food and see if that makes a difference.  Since they are both doing it, it makes me think that is the problem.

God Bless,