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Female Boxer in heat

19 9:18:43

I would like to know if my feamale Boxer is in any pain or discomfort? She started bleeding yesterday and seems to act different.I feel she is just not feeling well,but worry she is in pain. If so......what can I do for her?
         Thank you,Rosemary

Similar to humans, a dog's heat can cause some bloating which may cause some discomfort. Typically, changes in behavior during a heat are due to hormones. However, even if she is in pain, avoid giving her any human painkillers as most of them are poisonous to dogs. Aspirin has been approved for dog use and is sold in pet stores with the correct dosages labeled on the packaging, however aspirin can also cause some stomach problems in some dogs. From a natural nutrition perspective, you can give her a little bit of yucca (sold at health stores and some grocery stores) because it is a natural anti inflammatory that is safe for dogs. If she really seems unlike herself to you, consult a veterinarian. Just like in humans, there can be complications with heat cycles every now and then that a veterinarian will be more qualified to assist you with. Best wishes, hope she starts feeling better soon!