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Dog twitching from medication?

19 11:39:30

Hi there,
We have a 3 month old puppy that we adopted from a shelter. He's a shepherd mix. He sneezed here and there when we first got him.  After about 2 weeks he started with a hacking cough and runny nose. The vet gave him hydrocodone for a cough supressant and clavamox (anti-biotic). He became weak and drowsy after taking the meds but about 4 days into the meds he started twitching near his lower body/leg area.  Do you think this could be a side effect from the meds or a completely separate thing?  We stopped giving him the meds about a day ago.

I would keep him on the clavamox, I know people sometimes get hydrocodone for a cough suppressant but I think that is too strong of a pain killer to give to a pup, you should call your vet and ask him for a different cough suppressant with out any narcotics in them. I forgot the name it is a name something like chloral that they give a pup for a cough suppressant routinely, I never even heard of then giving a narcotic for their first attempt for a cough suppressant to a 3 mo. old puppy.  Good Luck, Sincerely concerned, Angela