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Dod will not eat or drink

19 11:39:31

My dog will not eat or drink water.  He has throwing up white foam.  He is usually very active.  He is just laying around the house and seems afraid.  Help!

Is your dog up to date in his shots, if not you have to worry about Parvo, which is a very dangerous dog disease that needs to be treated asap by a vet. Has he been dewormed lately that can also cause a dog not to eat or drink, the dog is now probably dehydrated, you could try to feed him a mix of cook hamburger and cooked rice and try to give him 1/2 tsp of Mylanta to calm down him stomach, he might just have an upset stomach, have you changed his dog food lately, a change in dog food should be done gradually mixed with your old brand of dog food if it wasn't that can cause very bad stomach upset, if this dose not change soon then I recommend taking him to the vet, he may now need IV fluids for dehydration, Good Luck, Sincerely concerned, Angela