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19 9:25:45

I think my dog is going to have puppies. I'm not sure when she hooked up but I think it was toward the 13 of October. But all the articles I have read don't answer my question. She has had no loss of appetite, shes a pit bull but shes not getting any bigger, she also doesn't have a increase in appetite. I'm not sure if she going to have puppies or not, although she is getting bigger, but all the weight gain is up in her rib cage area not where I think it should be. So if you can help me out with this I would be greatly appreciative thank you.  

A dogs gestation period is around 62 days so she would be showing signs by now. Signs to look out for is swollen teats, gently press her teats and see if she is lactating, she would not lose her appetite, she should be fed a high quality puppy food, the weight gain would be around her abdomen. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND TAKING HER TO THE VET AND HAVING HER DESEXED NOW! Pitbulls are not allowed to be bred so you are breaking the law and the puppies will not be able to be sold and most likely confiscated at some point in their lives and euthanased, how could you allow this to happen? have her spayed NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!