Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > Lab Puppy ate Almonds and Cheese in foil

Lab Puppy ate Almonds and Cheese in foil

19 11:07:35

Our 11 Mos Lab Pup ate about 2 oz cheese in small foil <1/4 oz wrapper and about 3 oz salted Almonds? Emergency?
Noticed macadamea and Walnuts are very bad...Almonds?
Hopefully the foil will pass.
Thanks, Ed

Almonds are bad too.  You may or may not try to get ahold of the vet.  Try giving him a table spoon of peroxide.  If he doesn't throw up in about 10-15 minutes, give him another.  The one time we used it our Lab/Golden slurped it right up.  I have heard of other dogs doing that too.  it might be best to get everything out the front end.   Please post back tomorrow and let me know how he is doing.