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A couple of issues

19 13:51:04

Hi Nancy,

We just purchased a Black Lab Pup....First question is how old should they be before leaving their siblings and mother?  The second is, she just turned 6 wks. on Monday (Labor Day). I have been taking her outside almost every hour to two if she is sleeping. Is she able to understand and be trained at such a young age? Or is she not able to control her bladder yet? She can't bark yet (just alittle wining noise). I am not sure if I should just let her get totally aclimated and use her potty spot (paper and wood chips) or if I should be aggressive in getting her outdoors hourly.
I hope you can help ease my anxieties.

She should have been with her siblings until she is 8 weeks.
Taking her out won't hurt, but she is too young to train.  She is equivilent to a 3 month old baby
She can start potty training at about 10 to 12 weeks, but it is good that you are taking her out to get used it.  Although she is not learning, she is acclimating to the outside and you.  Keep everything positive with no pressure on you or the pup.
good luck