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Hard Mouth

19 14:22:23

I have a 4-5 yr. old GSP that likes to "taste" the birds on the retrieve.   Pheasants have teeth marks on them and the small birds get "tenderized" into mush occasionally. I have not used my shock collar on him yet for fear he my not want to retrieve, but I'm ready. Do you have any background on this problem?  Thanks. JIM    By the way he likes to retrieve.

Hi Jim-

I have to apologize for the delay in getting back to you...I was out of town and just got back in late last night.

About your question with the hard mouth.  If you have access to birds, I would suggest getting some pins for the birds and use them.  A few pokes from them and your GSP won't bite hard anymore.  If you're not familiar with them, they are about 4" long and you slide them through 2 or 3 different places in the birds and then plant them.  I wouldn't use the shock collar on him to break it.  You're right in him relating it to the birds doing it to him and then not wanting to retrieve.  You can order the pins through different hunting supply magazines.  Good luck and let me know if you have any questions on this or anything else.
Thank you
Patty Lemke