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Feeding my new puppy

19 11:57:05

My new puppy is 17 weeks old and I've had her for only 4 days now. I already have a young dog that is about 1 year old. I'm trying to figure out how to feed them. My 1 yr old is fed twice a day and eats very casually and takes his time. He eats all his food in about an hour. The new pup is not completely house trained so she has to be monitored and food and water taken away by a certain time before bed. I tried to feed them at the same time, but separately and they eat eachothers food. I'm having a hard time monitoring what they eat since the older one eats so slow and the young one steals his food. How should I handle this so I can monitor the young ones food and still be able to make sure my older one gets enough and not have to take up his food and water at 6pm so the little one can't get it?  Thank you!! Sarah  

Hello, This is easy to fix, place the dogs in there crates/keenels or seperate closed off rooms while there eatting, leave the food with them each for 10/30 minutes whatever you think they need to eat it, do this twice daily for he adult dog...bring him to his crate and feed him or into a seperate room and three to four tims daily for the puppy perferbily two feedings at teh same time as the older dog so they get in the habit of eattign at the same time. Leave only enough food for that puticular portion down and whats not eatten when you go back pick it up and put it back in there food containers, dont offer what wasnt eatten at teh next meal only the other portion, after a short while...normaly 7 days they will know they can eat only when its offered in the time alloted and if they dont they have to wait until tehre next meal so they catch on quickly when to eat. This will work wonders alter on also because it would aid in perventing them getting over weight as compaiered to if they were being free fed. Best of luck.