Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > scared staffishire bull terrier

scared staffishire bull terrier

19 11:39:27

QUESTION: i just bought a dog had him nearly a week and he such a scared nervous dog he hate going out for walks once out he is ok but you have to drag him or if to bad carry him out but as i said once he out he be ok he will walk by my side i don't think he like busy areas  also went in pet shop he just shook he likes me more then my husband  i do no  that he has been thumped by a bloke that had him for chewing a wire  we are his 4th owners i think  and he only 9 months old he loads better in house he final acting like a puppy at time but then stops like he shouldn't do it in other ways he well behaved  likes giving paw for his treats  don't mind being left for short while  and good at staying down stairs at bed time and also sit's when told  he shows loads of  love in the house and he also receives loads love as well  will he ever get over being nervous or will he be like it for rest of his life ??

ANSWER: Well what usually works really well with dogs like this is to coax them with a small treat and give him lots of praise when he does something on his own-that usually gives them more confidence and over time he will come out of his shell

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: what if he wont take treats out side as he wont also he has  a habit of grabbing my arm with his mouth and holding hard to take me some were where he wants to go i think its his bed he trying to get me to go to is this normal as each time seems a bit harder but im sure its not to hurt me

When he bites at you yell "out" and pretend it hurts you,even if it doesn't,because they usually don't want to hurt you,once they realize that they have(or think they have) they will stop

If he won't take treats to go outside,just try to really coax him with praise and when he does what you want give him lots of praise