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my papillon - no appetite

19 11:45:53

My 1 yr old pap is a very picky eater.  Since the pet food recall I cook for him and also fee him BilJac.  One day he may eat 2 times a day.  One day he may eat 1 time...but there are sometimes when he wouldn't eat for an entire day.  I would usually have to hand feed him a kibble at a time when he gets like that.  I'm at a loss...could you suggest a supplement or tell me what you think he is lacking?  Other than his picky appetite, he is fun-loving and playful.  FYI: he isn't neutered

Hello, Sounds like a genuine picky eatter, my dogs would eat when i gave them there meals is this what your dog is doing wlaking away from offered meals? I simply put them in there own crates gavethem there portion of kibble and left them for 15/30 mintues to eat...when I got back what wasnt tehre was remvoed and the second meal was given later in the evening same procedure was done left dogs for 15/30 miutes what was there when i got back got put way and then the dog doesn't get food until its next meal the next dont reoffer waht wasnt eatten in the next meal but only what is intended for that portion. After three days my dogs caught on and ate every kbible of there meals the first day they ate little the second they ate more then half and after that and to this day they clean there bowls in the alloted time given twice daily. I reccomend this to anyone with the same problem I had as it worked great for my trio.