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mini schnuzer puppie

19 11:39:40

hi, i just got a mini schnauzer puppies he is nine weeks now ,the first week i had him he ate fine with no problem, But now he will not eat unless the food is in palm of our hand .What should i do to stop this behavior?

Hi Maedeh,

Thank you for writing to me about your mini schnauzer puppy.

It seems that your munchkin has trained you very well! (lol)

At some point in his young life, you started feeding your dog from your hand and he liked it..and now he won't eat unless you feed him the way he wants.  The best approach would be to place his food in his bowl and sprinkle a bit of grated Pecorino Romano cheese onto it and mix some into the food. It is a dog's favorite treat.  

If he doesn't eat his food, pick it up and give it to him later in the day.  Keep doing this until he gets hungry enough to eat.  

Continue doing this until your dog starts eating out of his bowl without hesitation.

Do not worry if your dog doesn't eat for 24 hrs. Believe me, when he gets hungry enough he will snarf down his food and lick the bowl clean.

Best Regards,
Shelley Davis