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studding tea cup yorkie

19 13:57:21

I have a 6 month old male tea cup yorkie.  I want to stud him out.  What age can I start and what books and web sites can you recommend to learn everything I need to know about studding.

Thank you

Hi Donna, well the bad news is that studs are a dime a dozen so studding out a dog is not that easy as far as getting someone to mate with your dog.  There really aren't any books and such geared towards studding because of the fact there really isn't much to it.  You can go to the national club and look up the diseases that are prevelant in Yorkies so that you can test your boy to make sure he is not a carrier before breeding him.  
Here is the website for the national club

He shouldn't start breeding until at least a year of age, and most would not recommend he start until he is two.   You can advertise in your local paper to offer him for stud.   Hope this helps,
