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German Shepherd Puppy

19 11:02:11

We just brought a 2 month old German Shepherd baby girl into our home and I'm so afraid of doing the wrong thing.  I just everything on your site re: housebreaking and I've already screwed up by putting bedding in her crate (which she wets at night).  She's such a beautiful, bright pup, I don't want to screw her up.  My husband and I both work all day and have no one to let her out during the day and I can't bear to keep her crated all day.  Today we put her crate on the back porch, left the door to it open, but let her have the run of the enclosed porch.  Is this okay?
Please advise.  Thanks.

Brook, there is nothing wrong with letting her have the run of the porch, but you need to give her a specific area to potty, or she's just going to use the entire porch as her bathroom. I would recommend a litter box until she is old enough to go all day without needing to go potty (which is usually somewhere between 6 and 9 months of age).