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mean dog

19 14:00:15

we have a female pitbull got her at 3 months of age. she is 1 now as of june 13th -06.
well her and my other dog have got in many fights, i have a female australin sheperd who is almost 3 and they used to get along until the pit got older. they have fought about 6 times. like the pit always got her by her neck and my ausi would bite her back, well the last fight my ausi's neck was bleeding horrible had 4 large holes but heeled, the pit had  1 by 1 inch cut on her eye, 2 holes in ear about 1/2" deep.
okay well we had got 2 kittens about 6 weeks old.

katie my ausi loves cats she loved them, the pit used to play with an outside stray so we figured it would be alright, well sugar the pit tried to bite the kitten so we kept them seperated.

today i took the kittens outside to live b/c they stink b/c we had to keep them locked in a room where sugar wouldnt get them. my mother accidently let sugar outside and she killed my kitten. she went straight for the cat with no hesitation.

she also barks at everyone, and we cant hand feed her b/c she bites us.

should we get rid of her or have her put down? she is vicouse right?

right now she is pregnant and she is an american rednose pitbull so we definatly want the puppies the father has great bloodlines, but i have a 1 year old son and im afraid shell hurt him one day.
i am afraid to be alone with her, because she looks at me weird and i always think shes gonna attack. she only has about 2 weeks of pregnancy to go.

what should i do after the pups are gone? i dont want her and neither does my husband. but i would hate to give her to someone and her hurt them??

Hi Maria;
Since you don't want this dog anymore, call the rescue groups in your area. There are animal rescue groups that will take mixed breeds, and some rescues that only take a particular breed.
There are rescue groups for Pit Bulls.
If you find one, you can tell them what the problems are with her, and they can take her, and train her right, and make a good dog out of her.
Pit bulls do have a more stubborn streak than some dogs, but ANY Pit Bull can be trained to be a very good companion, good with children and the whole nine yards.
It takes someone who is very good at training dogs, and has a lot of experience training dogs that have gotten grown and have not had the proper obedience training.
she needs an owner that wil make sure she knows THEY are the alpha ( boss), and not her.
In the days back when I was physically able to handle a dog on a leash, and had the energy to walk fast etc, to train them, I trained quite a few dofs that would atack their owner if they got a chance, and made a nice dog out of them, and taught their owner how to be the boss of the little tyrant, and make them mind.
the rescue groups should be able to put you in touch with someone who will take her and make a good dog out of her.
If you want to write me and tell me where you live, and what larger cities are near you ( if you live in a small town), I will search for a rescue group near you.