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West Highland Terrier

19 14:00:16

My Westie just delivered her first litter of 5 puppies on 6/15/06.  She has already starting drying up and does not seem to be nursing the puppies as much as she should.  Is there a hormone shot that she can be given to help her produce more milk?  Also, do you know when they should be opening their eyes?.. they are 14 days old.  I am really worried about my puppies.  Thank you for your help.  Tracy

Hi Tracy,

I am not a breeder, so I would advise that you ask them about this.  You will probably need to supplement their food intake if the mother does not have enough milk.   You really should call your Veterinarian before you lose any pups though.  This is a very important time and you don't want to lose any when you could be helping them feed.  I know there is a shot to dry a dog up, but I'm not sure there is one to increase milk flow.  Please call a Veterinarian. This is too important to just guess at.  I would hate for you to lose those pups!

God Bless,