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Italian Greyhound, Pimples???

19 11:36:48

I have a 3-year-old Italian Greyhound and on is right outer thigh, he has formed a small whitish pimple.  It seems that you can just peel it right off of him, but it seems that might be painful it that was done.
Any ideas what it could be?

Hi Nicholas,

There are several related immune mediated skin disorders called "Pemphigus Complex". These have a common mechanism of action in which the body produces antibodies against the outer layer of the skin. The more common forms of pemphigus produce scaling skin, scabbiness and sometimes pustules (pus filled sores that look like pimples).
It is most commonly found on the face and feet, but lesions can occur on other areas of the body.

I am not a vet, and can't say that your dog has Pemphigus Complex or a bacterial skin infection, or any number of conditions which could cause pimples to form. If it seems as though these pimples are painful, you should have your dog examined by your vet.

Best of luck,