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boxer/chow/lab mix puppy behavior

19 10:40:37

Hi Shawn,
   My lab/chow/boxer mix puppy has some unusual behaviors that have puzzled my husband and I.  Otis will be playing with our other dog and in the midst of play, Otis will turn around and charge the other dog back-end first. He will hop and jump at his "brother" backwards. Also he will walk between my legs like a cat and push himself between me and the counters or dishwasher when I am in the kitchen. We are curious about these actions- I have had avariety of dogs for 40+ years and this is a new one!  Thanks Teri

Hi Teri-

Honestly, it sounds like your new puppy is just a goofball! It doesn't sound like any behavior I would be concerned about, just his own quirky play methods. I have had several dogs that "wind" in and out of my feet like a cat, and I have seen pups and dogs "hop" backwards in play as well.

Your pup sounds like a real hoot! Congratulations on your new baby!