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Dog will not sleep at night

19 11:57:15

Our 9 year-old Beagle within the last month, will not sleep at night and will not go to the bathroom by himself. He used to be fine, but now does not want to poop by himself and sits up at night because he has to poop and it gets painful.

Even if we go outside with him, he does not want to poop.

What could be wrong.

I would recommend taking your dog to vet immediately.  There are a number of diseases, dietary problems and other things including spinal injury and nerve damage which can cause these sorts of symptoms and without seeing the dog for a hands-on assessment it is impossible for me to say which of these is most likely.

Hopefully he has just been eating something inappropriate like bones but it is always best to get it checked out by a professional, especially with an older dog.
Hope this helps