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How to train my dog to stop barking

19 11:26:12


I have a yorkshire terrier, she is 19 months old and 6 pounds! She is a very sweet dog and was top of her class in obedience school but...she has a real big problem with barking! when someone comes to the door, when someone wlaks by the house, when a bird flys by, even when we get off a chair. I have tried everyting...ignoring, clapping my hands, saying NO really loud, water bottles (they worked temporarly but then she decided that as soon as i put the bottle down she would start barking again). I really need some help, im willing to try anything!

Thank you so much,
Monet St. Louis
My Diva Dog

Well what you could try is a type of collar that sprays lemmon juice on the dog whenever they bark-and unlike a water bottle,they can't run away from it,and after time just putting the collar on will stop them from barking

you can buy t most petstores and you can also buy refiles with the juice is used up