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First heat pregnanies

19 10:14:19

Help!I didn't realize my 7 1/2 mo. old shih zui "Coco"was in heat. She's a small dog and i didn't see any blood. My male was caught mounting her. I know it's not wise to mate during the first heat. I'm scared and very worried that I have put my Coco in danger. I'm worried about her welfare and health because of this. What do I do know? I know I have to get her to the vet ASAP. What are the complications and health risks? I'm out of my mind with worry.

Hi Michelle,

Now, you take your dog to the veterinarian and have your dog spayed, so that this will be the first and last time you have to deal with this accident.

You should also have you make dog neutered! He could have just as easily mated with a somebody else's dog.  Out of sight, out of mind doesn't make it right. There's simply no reason to have unaltered pets.

Contact your local animal shelter or humane association to see where there are reduced cost spay and neuter services in your area.

Best of luck,
