Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > DOGS URINATING INSIDE


19 10:14:20

I have 2 male Basset hounds, They were both crate trained and did very well for the first 8 to 10 months. They are  brothers that turned 1 Lyra on January 15. For the past few months they have been urinating in the room where they stay. Not by their beds. They are not neutered as we were going to breed them but couldn't get their papers. They now to go to the door when we are home but won't hold it while were are gone. Any suggestions?


You answered your own question: They are not neutered. Unaltered males mark their territory, it is nearly impossible to stop, no matter how well they are trained. I highly suggest neutering the pair since you are no longer going to breed them. In the mean time, look into bellybands- available on Ebay or other online stores. These will prevent your dogs from destroying your house.

Good luck!