Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > chihuahua-sick


19 11:57:14

What can I do to get my chihuaua to eat? She is 7 yrs. old & just lying around.She has not eat for 3 days & her breath has a very bad odor.

Hi Debbie,

Your dog's bad breath is probably a sign of tooth decay, or an oral infection. If you don't regularly brush your dog's teeth, the chances are high that she's having a fair amount of oral pain, since she's refusing to eat.

You need to make an appointment with your vet and have your dog examined ASAP.

For the here and now, try to make your dog drink, since becoming dehydrated can be a serious problem. Try a little warm (not hot) low sodium/low fat chicken soup, or simply "hand feeding" her water at frequent intervals during the day.

Don't delay in making the appointment with your vet. A bacterial infection in the mouth can infect major organs, such as the heart, kidneys and liver, if left untreated. Plus, your dog is in pain.

I hope I've been a help.
Best of luck,
