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My dog is misbehaving. Help.

19 13:40:52

I have a 2 year old Lhasa Apso, she is fixed. We just moved into a new apartment and since then she has chewed things up, poops and pees in the house almost everyday, I take her for a walk and instead of pooping outside, right when we get inside she handles her business. Today I tried to put her in the laundry room with her food, water, toys and bed, and when I came home found that she chewed/scratched the bottom of the door(deep scratches) I don't know what is wrong with her, I know it is hard to adjust to a new environment but she is out of control, it makes it worse because I think she knows that she is bad and she does it anyway. I am 3 months pregnant with my first and I don't know if this has anything to do with it. Please Help

Hi Tiffany;
Anxiety is a good part of it.
Have you had her in obedience training?
I would suggest you get into a class as soon as possible.
Petco and Petemart have weekend group classes, and Man's Besat Friend is a good source.
basic obedience class will help you a lot tolearn how to train her in correct obedience, and the trainer can help you with understanding these other problems.
We just redecorated our guest room, and my little Lhasa decided it was for him, I guess.
He went in and looked it over. Sat down and had a good look at his reflection in the closet door mirror. I close the door when I go out, and he took to sneaking in when I was in there and hiding under the bed. Then I would be in another part of the house and couldn't hear him whine, she he would scratch the door and dig up the carpet in front of the door.
She doesn't want to be in that small room, so she is going to create enough of a row that you will learn not to put her in there.
One thing you might do is get a piece of hard plastic or metal from Lowes etc, and nail it to the bottom part of the door. Make it large enough to cover the area of the door she can reach, tyhen let her scratch to her heart's content. She will do no damage.
When you take her for a walk, don't take her in until she poops. then when she does poop outside, praise her like she won an academy award.
Scold when she does it inside.
I really recommend an obedience class as soon as possible.
She is trying to train YOU.