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My shitzu skin itching

19 11:45:38

Hi Timothy.
I got a little shitzu puppy, she is 10 weeks, when we got her she had fleas so I bathed her with normal shampoo, like twice in two weeks and took the fleas off her. But after a while she started itching and licking her skin specially at her stomach and paws. I am feeding her with dry food Pedigree, but I am wondering if it is about the fleas, shampoo (which I already changed with a puppy shampoo) or the food.  I have read on the internet, that it is good to give dog veggies, like carrots and peas. What do you think about it?  I also put on her Dermasol and cortizone to relief ithing. I have an appointment with the Vet for next Saturday but I feel so bad because she is suffering and very unconfortable with this.

Keep the vet appointment! the dog could have an alergy to Fleas and the treatment for fleas is not just the dog but the enviroment. if the flea problem is not resolved through a  total treatment you can not eliminate fleas as the cause of the itching. once the fleas are controlled you can look to other causes for the itching, such as food etc. a methodical approach is needed. As for the veggies, they are a good alternative to comercial treats. but this is a personal choice.