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How to prevent pregnancy

19 9:41:10

My 2yr old bitch [Jack Russel/Dachshund] has been menstruating for exactly 5 days but does not seem keen to accept any males  yet. I do NOT want her to get pregnant. Is there any way in which I can stop her getting pregnant - somebody told me that I can give her human birth control tablets? If true, for how long should it be given after she stops menstruating?


Hi Bettie,

It's actually when the bleeding stops, and the discharge changes in color (which can be a light pink to a straw-like color)  that a dog will become receptive to being bred.

No, it's not true that you can give your dogs human birth control pills. While giving your dog a human birth control pill wouldn't be life threatening, it will not prevent pregnancy in your dog. A dog's heat cycle isn't the same as the cycle human women have.

The best way to prevent pregnancy in dogs, is to have her spayed. This also stops the twice yearly heat cycles, which of course is a great convenience, but there are also health benefits associated with being spayed.  There are two medications, Mibolerone (Cheque Drops) and Megestrol Acetate (Ovaban) used to prevent dogs from coming into heat, so it's not something you could use now. You'd need your vet to prescribe one of these medications.

Your dog can't be spayed until her heat cycle is over. Until then,  you should not let your dog outside by herself. Male dogs are VERY resourceful about getting to a female dog in heat. Fences can be jumped or dug under! I can't tell you the number of "accidental" breedings people write me about! They are all 100% preventable! The cheapest form of birth control for a dog costs a few dollars - the price of a leash and your own diligence!

Contact your local animal shelter or Humane Society and find out the location of the nearest spay and neuter assistance program.

Best of luck,