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Shiba Inu puppu fears

19 14:02:41


I have a 7 month old Shiba Inu puppy who is terrified to get a bath or his nails clipped. When I try to clip his nails, he squirms and he even starts to growl at me to let him go. I have given him 3 baths so far in the period of 3 months and he screams and screams and nobody what I do. I have held him in the tub with me and gently poured water on him and taken him outside and tried to bathe him but it really turns into a hassle.
Is there anything I can do to get him comfortable with these two things? Thank you.

What you could do is told not really cut his nails,but just put it at the end of his nails and close the clippers,just to get him used to it-some dogs just never like there nails being done though but he is young,so thats good,but if he never grows out of it,the best way to do it is to only do one foot at a time,or even just do one foot a day

Gently pouring water on him is a good idea,try to keep that up,even doing it as often as everyday,so he can get more used to it