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9 yr old bassett hound peeing in house

19 13:35:56

I have a 9 year old bassett hound and he has a doggie door.  He has never had an accident in the house.   Over the past 2 weeks when we are gone he has peed in the house twice and pooped once.   We just bought a new home that we haven't moved into yet.   Sometimes we have to leave him over there while we have an open house.   It's usually the day after we do that when he has an accident.   If the vet says his health is fine what do you think could be the problem?

Dear heather,
Thanks for the question. Since the behavior is associated with his 'stays' at the other house, then I believe the 'stays' are stressing him or causing him to have a lapse in house training.

Sudden changes in routine or living quarters are common triggers for house training accidents.

Make other arrangements for him or crate him. If he is not used to a crate, visit

He could be suffering from separation anxiety. If that is the cause, crating will not be a good choice. Treating him for separation anxiety is not a quick cure and would not solve your immediate problem. Make other arrangements for his extended departures from his house. Could you take him to the park or for a very long walk? Can he stay with a neighbor or friend - so he is not alone?

I hope these suggestion help. There really aren't any quick ways to teach him about being alone so you'll need to focus on NOT placing him in the empty house alone.

Happy Training!