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Dog Breed Compatibility

19 11:43:29

Hi Kristin

We have a 2.5 year old West Highland Terrier whom we adore.  She is literally part of the family.  I will fully admit that I have not trained nor disciplined her properly - partly through ignorance of the subject.  This has now resulted in me trying to teach her that she is at the bottom of the pack and I am the alpha dog, again I will admit with not a lot of success.  She is extremely willful, barks when we come home, barks when we leave, barks at flies, birds any and all noises inside the house and outside.  She has snapped at two strangers when we have taken her for a walk.  I have spoken to our vet and he has emphasised how much of a potential problem we are creating for ourselves and I intend to take her to a very strict dog trainer.  I won't bore you with discipline questions.  My question is - I want to get another dog.  We will be moving house in about six months and would like to get the new puppy then.  Is there a right or wrong way to introduce a new puppy to a household with an already spoilt dog.  We moved house about six months ago and our dog was not impressed with the new home, it took her at 3 months to get settled.  Also what type of breed would be most compatible with a Westy?  Many Thanks for your time.  Regards Susan.

First it would be best to introduce them off of our property,as it may cause your dog to become territorial

I think a really good idea would be to go to your shelter,and explain to them your situation,and they may be able to set you up with a puppy that would work-there's many good dogs/puppies at the shelter,and the workers will often know what one would suit your needs

A shelter is esp good is you don't have anything in mind,as they have a whole range of types to chose from