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Mother dog and pups

19 11:53:01

My (Australian Shepherd) gave birth about a little over a wk ago and she is still having vaginal discharge (Dark brown, and mushy), she is not also eating properly. The pups are doing fine as the eye can see  (nursing off the mother regularly, whining, and a lot of movement) I just need to know if there is anything that I can do, or should I take my mother dog to the vet immediately~!

Hi kera,
take her to the vet to have her checked.  There is a bloody discharge that occurs after birth and it lasts awhile but it can be confused with another discharge that may be a dead pup or infections etc.  Have the vet eyeball it and check her abdomen.  It is normal to have a dog not eat right due to the fact that she is probably still having pains and also is nervous about the pups.  However, puppies should be pretty quiet if they are being fed.  If your pups are very whiny, something may be wrong.  Most litters are quiet.  Of course there is always an exception to the rule, but have it checked out ASAP,  She should have had a shot after birth anyway to rid her of anything left over in the uterus.