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Change in climate with senior labrador.

19 10:22:51

I have a 10 year old labrador female who is still somewhat energetic and enjoys a good quality of life. She has spent her entire 10 years living in an apartment with the extent of her excercise being daily walks.
My father has recently relocated to the caribbean and has a large piece of property and is raising two lab pups (with lots of help). I was thinking it would be nice for my lab to spend her last few years in this environment but I have a couple of concerns....
1) Is the climate change dangerous to her well being.
2) The puppies like to roughhouse ... is it safe for her to be interacting with them?
3) Is flying in cargo any more dangerous for a senior dog than any other age?
4) Does this sound like a "nice" retirement for my beloved pet or does it sound like I'm just trying to get rid of her? I have always had a tremendous amount of guilt about her living her life in an apartment. She is a very energetic dog.

Your opinion would be much appreciated.

Hi Wayne-

The climate change would not be dangerous to her well being unless she has heart disease or is very overweight, in which case I would suggest loosing weight before putting her on an airplane or in that heat.

Puppies rough housing with older dogs is quite common, however it is really up to your dog how she will take it. Most older dogs have a natural instinct to be patient and kind with puppies, and tend to ignore their antics, or play a bit with them, but there are some dogs that do not enjoy puppy play at all and get very anxious.

Flying in cargo is not exactly a pleasent experience for any dog, but I would imagine that it would be very difficult on a dog of her years, if she has never been flown. And if you will not be there when she disembarks... well I don't think it would be very good for her IMHO.

As for the retirement- remember, this dog is your beloved pet and friend, and you are HER beloved human and friend. At 10 years old, the stress and anxiety that she would go through to be moved to a new home where you would not be would be very traumatic. No matter your living situation, or the alternative offered, if she is being well taken care of and you can provide for her then it would be (Again, IMHO) much kinder of you to allow her to live out her days with her one true friend. I have seen many older dogs seperated from their masters that have allowed themselves to pine away out of heartbreak.

On a footnote, have you checked into quarentine procedures on the island? Many islands require anywhere from a 14 day to a 6 month quarentine period before a dog can be allowed on the island. She would spend that time in a tiny concrete cell away from all people. You may want to look into that ahead of time!

I hope this helps. Your father's place sounds wonderful, but remember that your dogs place is by your side.