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Pet dogs attacking the pet cat when owners not home?

19 14:16:06

My friend has an older cat & a few years ago took in a stray Rottie, fe. who was very passive. Last year she adopted a Pappillion mix from the Pound & lately the dogs have been ganging up on the cat
when no one is home ( which is most of the time)
Is there any thing to be done? I really feel sorry for the poor cat, she is about 13 years old & this was her home first.
Please advise.
Thank you for your time,
Bobbie Andrade

Hi bobbie;
I would suggest putting the cat in a room of her own, when she will be alone, where these BRATs can't get to her, and she can have some peace.
A nice bed in a window (maybe on top of a little table, or attached to the window sill) so she can look out at the birdies etc, and she can sleep in peace and have her own privacy.
If your friend is handy with simple tools, a shelf could be mounted on a window sill with room for a bed, and a food dish and water dish. A litter box in the room, and a place for her to sleep if she doesn't want to sleep in the sunshine. In fact, you can buy such window beds, ready to install.
I have a 12 year old Englich Setter who is blind and deaf, and has bad Arthritis. I am her seeing eye person. When my animals get old, I do whatever I have to to make them comfortable and away from the younger dogs, so they can get rest. I don't have the problem of others picking on her, but they do run through the house in romps, and she needs room to be where they won't run over her. she has copped a GOOD chair in the living room for her's, som even though it is not one they are normally allowed on, for 12 years of love and devotion, the chair is now her's.
When she feels frisky enough to play a little, they scale down their romp to include her. She is 2 years past her normal life expectancy, so we will only have her for a couple more years or so.
I take very good care of them so all my pets live past their expectancy for their breed, but we just can't keep them forever.
I Recommend your friend go to this website and read the letters and poems in there. It helps a lot for the time when we have to let them go. Read especially the poem "The Rainbow Bridge". It will make you cry, but it is a good cry. It has helped me a lot when I have had to say goodby to a much loved friend. go to