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19 9:18:53

I have a rescue bullmastiff who could be anywhere from about 8- 10. What supplements can I give him to keep him as healthy as possible. He is the love of our lives. I also own to French bulldogs who are 6 and 7.
They have delicate stomachs so I am not sure how supplements will go down, but what should I give them as well. My little crew and I are so happy together and I want to keep them as healthy as possible. Johnny the bully is on Glucosamine and adequin. I feed top of the line canned food. Only Johnny gets dried food mixed with his canned. Thanks. Alex


Hi Alex,

To be sure your dogs are getting the nutrition they need, look at the dog food package of the brand you're using. It should have AAFCO seal on it (the Association of American Feed Control Officials) and somewhere on the package it should say that the food is complete and balanced.

You didn't say what brand of dog food you currently buy, or how your dogs stomach problems manifest, so I can't really comment on this. You could try giving them a a probiotic supplement like Culturelle to help promote the growth of beneficial bacteria in the intestines. If you choose to buy a different brand of probiotic, you'd want to get one that contains Lactobacillus rhamnosus strain GG (LGG). Be sure that each capsule contains a minimum of 30 billion live cells of the beneficial bacteria.

Glucosamine and Adequin are good choices for your larger older dog to help with joint health. One more thing you could supplement with is an antioxidant supplement called Cell Advance 440 (or Cell Advance 880 for larger dogs). Dosing instructions are on the bottle. Antioxidants help support the immune system, support failing vision, respiratory problems, skin disorders and many conditions associated with aging. If your dogs are on any kind of medication, you should run this supplement past your vet before using it, there can be drug interactions when using antioxidants. Be sure to walk your elderly dog daily, walking can help strengthen the muscles around the joint. You don't want to overdo exercise, but you don't want to avoid it either.

Controlling weight is the single factor most likely to reduce chronic pain associated with degenerative joint diseases, and goes a long way in keeping elderly dogs healthy! Along with supplements and a great diet, sometimes a dog will also need pain control medication to maintain a good quality of life, if it's needed, it should be provided.

Feel free to write back if I can be of further help!
Best of luck,
