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my ill puppy has underdevloped kidneys

19 10:37:51

hello. own a gorgeous cav king cahrles named holly we had her since dec 07.
alwasys been a happy healthy girl until about 6 weeks ago i noticed she had lost some weight so took her vet he said she was fine and will put weight on in her second year. week later took her again and he said the same until i made him wiegh her and stroke her. he said she was gpin thru phantom pregnacy when he checked her out so probably why. so that was treated took her home. until i had to back again last week as she was gettin worse and had lost huge amount of weight by this time so he did blood tests. they came back that she has problems with the kidneys. vet said its 5 per cent chance she will live as blood results dont look good. have to take her to vet tomor for a scan to see how bad it its. what are your thoughts on this please help.
many thanks tracey

I'm sorry to hear about your dog, I had a cat with a congenital kidney problems.  I don't have any medical training, so my only suggestion would be to see if there is a vet school in your area and take your dog there.  They often have the latest and greatest treatments and might have a new drug or treatment that they are testing that might give your dog some extra time.  Good luck.