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Toy Pomeranian Hair Loss

19 11:00:03

My girlfriend has a black toy pomeranian, he has begun loosing patch of fur in his coat.  Is this a normal condition for this breed?  What might be the cause?  She has taken him to the vet and no one can seem to tell what the problem is.  They have done blood and a whole host of other work ups.

Thanks for your time,

ANSWER: Well,it is shedding season,and it is normal for these type of dogs to lose chunks of fur,and they often look a bit mangy for a few weeks,but will have a shorter coat for the summer-so what is happening is he is probably losing his winter coat

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: This is not the case.  It has been happening for about a year now.  And he has bald patches varying in size from 1/2 an inch in diameter to about an inch and a half in diameter.

Ok-well it might be the food,as that does cause hair loss in some dogs,esp food that has corn or a lot of wheat in it

So it might help to switch to a brand that has no corn in the food at all,and slowly mix the food together so you don't upset the stomach