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Dog Meal

19 10:17:33

Is giving milk to a(labrador) puppy can be harmful for them? do they get worms ?

Hi Rejesh,

Veterinarians do not generally recommend giving milk to puppies or dogs. Many puppies do not tolerate cow's milk well and will experience diarrhea from it. There are specific milk replacement products that are similar to the milk produced by female dogs, which are safe to give very young puppies, if needed. Only very young puppies who have not yet been weaned (under six weeks old) require this. After that, a good-quality puppy food is all that is needed.

Some puppies are born with worms. The immature forms of the worms (larvae) migrate through the mother's uterus and into the developing puppy fetuses. Puppies can also be infected with roundworms and hookworms through their mother's milk. This is why it is so important to begin a deworming program when the puppies are 2 weeks old. Then deworming should continue every 2 weeks until they are 12 weeks old, as new "worms" will be hatching.

If you have a puppy, you should have it examined by a veterinarian who can tell you whether or not your puppy has worms, and needs treatment.

Best of luck,
