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Havanese-What cut if not in full coat?

19 14:00:07

Hi Wendy,
I have an 11 month old havanese (with a wavy coat).  I have had him groomed twice now and really have not liked the results either.  I realize that havs do not have a 'style' but are intended to be kept in full coat.  I love him when he romps with his coat flapping in the breeze but since his adult coat is coming in he was matting in the friction area (to hard to keep up) so I had him trimmed.  The last cut the groomer called a camouflaged kennel cut (close on the back with a skirt and long on the legs--spaniel like to me).  What I would love is to have him keep some of the havanese look by not having too close of a puppy cut but keeping it easier to maintain (I don't mind combing him every day or so).  Can you tell me what would be ideal and how to describe it to a groomer so I get what I want?  Do I ask for a scissor cut all over? And what length would work.  I am getting a little frustrated and tempted to dawn scissors myself next time (that would be an oops!).


Your best bet would be to use a snap on comb.  These come in pretty much every length from 1/4 inch up to 2 inches. These combs snap onto the metal blade.  The only thing with the snap on combs is the dog must be 100% mat free. These combs do not comb or cut through a mat like a metal blade. If the dog has mats, they must be combed out first. If he is really matted, you may have to go shorter by using a metal blade, letting him grow out and then keep up with the coat care. Havs do mat easily and keeping them long is a huge job. Please do not pull out your scissors!  Good Luck  Wendy