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Puppy/behavior potential problem need some suggestions on possible solution,

19 9:19:59

Hello, My name is Chris. I have a almost 8 week old pitbull puppy that I have hand raised since she was just under a week old. In the past I have raised one pitbull and one mix breed dog. I don't remember having this issue. The issue is she whines terribly every time she is alone and I don't mean left alone in the house I mean from room to room. Yes, she sleeps in bed with me, because I have had her from so young on it only seemed natural to keep her close by at night for potty, and feedings and warmth. I have her pee trained her on old towels and she has picked up on it right away.  Even when she is on the floor if I have the towels down she will relieve herself on them. So to that degree she is doing great well above what I expected. However, this whining thing is becoming quite a problem. Especially when I have other chores and things that need to be done around the house. she can't seem to soothe herself and demands my presence. I am very aware of making sure that her basic needs are being met and we spend ample time in play. Unfortunately we don't have the any friends with small dogs that could tentatively be play dates etc. I read one article that mentioned starting crate training. I am very aware of the issues that her breed can have with manipulation and more importantly dominance issues. I don't want to let things get to that point. I also live in an apartment building with three other apartments very close and noise travels easily. I can just imagine the complaints I will get if I allow too much whining and such to go on in the event of using a crate. Is it too early for crate training and are there any other options or techniques that I can use. any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! thank you in advance for your time and consideration. Christina in Wisconsin

I believe she is looking at you as both mom and litter mate.  She would cry if her own mother or litter mate went out of the room and she wasn't allowed to do that.  If you can, give her a large bone, (one she can't splinter like a knuckle bone)with meat on it, only when you leave the room.  Make sure she has toys and a blanket so she is warm.  Put the blanket in her bed, if she doesn't have one, get her one.  Stop sleeping with her for now and put her bed right next to your bed so if you have to reassure her, all you have to do is put your hand down.  Don't return to her if she is crying, wait until she stops, then hurry in before she starts to cry again.  You don't want to reward the crying behavior.   Start teaching her to sit, stay, and walk on leash.  Tire her out for about an hour with new things, for instance, a walk around the neighborhood.   When she is tired and sleepy that will be the time to leave her in her bed and room.
most time puppies are cold and only think about it when they are alone.