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Puppys Nueter Incision Scab

19 9:41:16

Well my 14 week old puppy was neutered 11 days ago and all was fine until this morning when he bit off his scab to his incision.
It is not puffy or red and there was only slight bleeding after he ripped it off. but there is now a small hole a little smaller than a pencil eraser is round. Should I be worried if I am keeping it dry and his mouth away from it?

The thing that is troubling about this, is that he did this after 11 days...Do you have to go in to get any stitches removed?  It seems that it is not healing correctly, by 11 days this should not be something that should bother him, plus there should not be a hole..I would say call vet and see what he says,, it is not an emergency unless you see puss or he is running a fever...the size of the hole doesn't sound bad just make sure you keep it very clean.  A triple antibiotic cream would be safe to put on it and there is also a spray the vet can give you which is great.