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different behaviour

19 14:33:40

My dog has been acting strange for the past few days. She is just over a year old,and she is a rottie/malamute mix.She shares her home with two people and 3 cats.She has been taking her toys upstairs and putting them in the closet and she likes to lay in there with them.I slept there with her the other night because I thought she might be sick or frightened or something.She is eating normal andplaying with the cats like usual but she seems to be handling this one toy like it was her baby.I don't know if she has been scared by something or is this part of growing up.Thank you for any help.

how long was it since her last heat?  A lot of dogs go through a psuedo (false) pregnancy after a heat during which they are not mated.  It could be that her hormones are just telling her its about time she was giving birth which would explain all the behaviour you have described.
it should stop soon once her hormones settle down.  Its nothing to worry about and totally normal. (she can have a psuedo pregnancy even if you have had her neutered since her last heat)
I hope this helps