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Puppy eating my house

19 10:25:21

I have a 6 month old malamute/shepard mix and he is completely out of control. Since he was a baby I had him crate trained and would lock him up when I was away. Now that he is getting older I would like to allow him to be in the house with the other two dogs. When I leave him out he turns into a psycho. he goes so far that he jumps on the counter, eats everything, chews up magazines and the plastic over the windows, goes to the bathroom everywhere even though he is housebroken, shreds the garbage, takes the cushions off the couch, eats the cat litter, etc. I mean everything that he can get into he does. I can't yell at him because I don't catch him in the act. I really hate having to keep him crated all the time. I know that malamutes are hyper dogs and I have started training him to mush to allow his energy to be put to use. He really enjoys it and when I am around he is calm and acts like a normal dog. I don't know how to stop him and make him normal.

6 months is not an adult dog, it is still an immature puppy, especially for a large breed.  You need formal obedience training, too, there are no tricks, no way around it, have to train the dog to have a way to communicate with him through obedience and teach him to behave in the house.  For now, you will have to keep him crated when you're gone, then once he is more mature, start with smaller spaces, not the whole house.  So he can get one room to be in, and if he keeps that room clean, it can expand.  If he cannot keep the one room or area clean, he goes back to the cage the next day.  It is great that you have found an outlet for his energy, that will help, too.

I know you feel bad for crating him since the other 2 dogs are out, but it is a puppy, no puppy should get full run of a house, it is setting him up for trouble.  It is fine to keep the well-behaved adults free while he is crated.