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Golden retriever problem

19 13:58:42

Hi,My golden is a 5 year old male.He was in perfect health until yestrday morning he did not want to eat which was very odd for him.As the day went on he tried to eat and started vommiting right after.He tried to lay down but kept crying when he did lay down and kept jumping up rightaway.I took him to the hospital and they took blood work which revealed his liver enzymes and white blood cells were high.They also took xrays of his liver but nothing showed up.Now they are keeping him overnight to monitor him and give him an ultrasound test tommorow.I really need your expert advice on this please help.Thank you for your time.

Hi Allison,  I am sorry I couldn't get back to you sooner, but it sounds like he got into some sort of poison or got a very bad infection, but normally when something hits that fast it is normally from something foreign like a poison getting into the body.  I hope he is doing well, and if you need more help, just let me know.
