Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > Pits


19 10:14:17

QUESTION: Should I let my 3 month old Pit sleep with me

ANSWER: Depends on whether you want her to sleep with you when she's older and larger.  If you do decide to let her sleep with you, make sure that *YOU* invite her onto you bed, not that she invites herself.  You also need to teach her "off" so that she will get off when you tell her.  If you let her invite herself, she will most likely invite herself onto other things, like the couch.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Seriously should I ever yell or smack my dog on its hiny if being disobedient?

If you're dog is well trained, she shouldn't be disobedient.  However, even with the best trained dog, sometimes they won't listen.  Your options are to not reward (which is a type of punishment) or to punish.  Punishment can be yelling or smacking her on her hiney, but most often is a leash correction (assuming she is on lead at the time).