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Very fussy Eater

19 9:45:21

I recently rescued a stray Jack Russell, I took him to the vets and got him checked over and got him wormed etc.. The only problem was his gums were inflamed and red.  The vet advised that I should brush them and feed him hard food.  The problem is he will not touch hard food I have tried many different varieties and have soaked it added gravy and added soft dog food but he will not eat it.  I have also tried feeding him canned soft dog food that has added pasta and peas and is quite expensive as it claims to be beneficial to digestive health it contains actual meat chunks.  He wont touch that either, he will eat poor quality dog food???? The problem is he is very underweight (as he was a stray) and the vet has said he needs to put on weight.  I dont no what to do..  

Hello Megan,

That is a real problem.  Sometimes adding a little peanut butter to the food may help.  Perhaps making the food smaller in size will help as well.  Try some mashed potatoes, I have not met a dog yet that doesn't like that.  Trying different things is the only answer I can give you.

Sure hope you find something to add to his food that he will eat.

Susan Potts