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Doggy constipation

19 9:45:21

My dog is constipated but wont eat, he will drink water. I don't know what I should do? can you help me?

Constipation can be from what he is being fed; dogs do need a certain amount of fiber in their food, and if he isn't getting enough, he could become constipated. If he isn't eating, he certainly won't be having to eliminate much of anything either. He could have also ingested something that wasn't meant to be edible and he is now blocked up (which would be an emergency situation). Maybe his mouth is sore and he has a bad tooth or two in there which needs some vet work.

Canned pumpkin (the real stuff, not the pie filling) is good for both constipation and diarrhea. One would start out with a teaspoon or so and go up from there depending on the dog's size.

Many of mine are smart enough to refuse to eat if they don't feel well. I respect that the first day and just pick up their bowl. Fasting for a day will not hurt a healthy dog. If one of mine continues to refuse food, I first wet the food with warm water; that will get most dogs eating. If the dog continues to refuse food, I will mix a bit of canned food into it. If by the third day the dog is still refusing food and hasn't eaten anything, it is time to head to the veterinarian to try to determine what is wrong.

One of my older dogs was eating poorly, and I discovered that he needed his bowl elevated so that eating was more comfortable for him. My guy probably has a bit of arthritis in his spine/neck somewhere.