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Toy/Tea cup poodle puppy

19 11:45:47

My husband bought me a Toy/Tea cup poodle for mother's day. I have read and talked to some people who say that they do have sensitive stomachs. I just had him at the vet last Friday. I told the Vet he gets upset if we leave him alone while we work. He will not stay in the kennel he just gets so upset that he throws up. The vet seems to think that is normal and he will out grow it. But, I have noticed the last few nights that he throws up sometimes at night like clear water. IS THIS SOMETHING SMALL DOGS DO? I read that some small can get fluid in their lungs. Is this true? He acts find and eats good. He loves to run and plays and he brings his small ball back to you over and over again until he can not go any more. Should I be concerned?  

Hi Karen;
Sure they can get fluid in their lungs. It is Pneumonia.
They can also have sinus problems, and the mucus can drain into their stomachs, and they will throw up a clear iquid, or if the sinuses are infected, a yellowish fluid.
I think I would get another Veterinarian. From his remark about letting him grow out of it, sounds like one of those Vets that just care about the money.
My Vet considers all his patients "HIS" pets too, and he doesn't soft peddle anything.
She isn't going to outgrow her fear. In fact, it will ge5 worse.
This is an insecurity problem, not a physical one.
Dogs of all sizes can have sinus problems.
The nerves when she gets upset from being alone can cause her to throw up too.
Tiny Toy Teacups have very delicate little systems, and are prone to a lot of things.
Go to this site and read about what can be done with massage, and you can order a video to learn how to do them.
The calming massage might help her become easier about being left alone.
