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How to introduce new kitten to 8yr old minpin and 5 yr, old tom cat.

19 13:49:42

how do you help them to get along(so far no problems)? They've just been sniffing each other and chasing each other. No barking from dog, grown cat sometimes swats at kitten(when kitten trying to get his tail, but with no claws out. Kitten hisses a little, not use to them. Dog eats all food left down in bowl. Grown cats bowl up on a cabinet thing where dog can't reach. But where should I leave kitten food so dog can't reach, but kitten can get up and down to eat.

Hi Anita,
It just so happens that I also have a new kitten in the house along with two other cats and six dogs.  What you are experiencing is normal, and very good since there are not any battles going on.  Mine reacted the same... just a little swatting going on, but after three wks they are all now playing and doing great.  As far as the cat food goes... this is what I do.  I feed the new kitty a special mixture of Purina ONE kitten formula, cottage cheese and some canned cat food.  I mix it all up and keep it in a sealed container in the fridge just for him.  I put down a small plate for him with a few tablespoons for him to eat. The other animals are not allowed in the area I am feeding him.  He eats it up, then I let them in to "clean" the (I feed my kitten several times a day... just enough to eat in one sitting)  Eventually, he will go on the dry food that my other cats are eating, but for now I want to give him a little extra.  Your kitten will learn to jump up where the other cats eat in no time.  

God Bless,