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puppy from hell

19 14:31:44

We just bought a 9 week old Cockapoo.  We have read many books on puppy preschool training but are at a loss with Molly.  She constantly bites everything including us and our clothing.  We have tried the "growl" to correct her.  It doesn't work.  When we put her in her crate, she will cry and howl if we are not in the room with her, and sometimes even if we are in the room.  We are trying to be consistent with Molly and never hit or harm her, but at this time we feel like she is "running the show".  We understand that she is trying to be the Alpha and want to discourage this.  Is there anything we can do that will work.  We do not want to give up on Molly, but my husband and I can't take much more.  We planned a routine of 2 hours in the crate and 1 hour out.  Please help!  Thank you very much.

Hi Sandy,
 I would recommend that you put a leash on the puppy and kept her on the leash all the time when you have her out so that you have a way to control her.  Don't feel bad about having to use the crate alot to control her behavior.  You might want to only have 15 minute play sessions, keep them shorter and more positive, you decide when to put her back, so if she is uncontrollable and it's only been 10 minutes out and you've tried directing her energy into playing ball, then put her back in the crate, it's not a punishment.
Start training with a puppy class as soon as you can, as all of this will help.  Puppies have alot of energy and need lots of exercise but she will calm down soon.
Best regards, Dawn Hoppe & Tina K-9