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Lhasapoo is Itching like crazy!

19 10:52:16

Hello Cindi,

We have a 9 month old lhasapoo. For the past two or three months now she has been itching like crazy. She constantly is scratching all over and biting at her hine legs. The past few nights its gotten so bad that she has actually kept herself up from sleeping and some points starts to cry. We don't know what to do. We've tried changing her food and different flea meds and it maybe works for a few days but then back to itching again. I've read that we should see if we could get her some type of shot, or some meds. Also that we should check out a dog derm. I also heard about a water and vinegar bath and fish oil. PLEASE! If you have any insight on this topic, I would greatly appreciate all that you could tell me!! Thanks for your time! God Bless!!!

What are you feeding? Feed her a good premium quality food such as Flint River. Wellness, Natural Balance. NO by products, wheat, corn soy or chemicals.
Do absolutely put her on pet derm, add five hundred mgs of vitamin C broken into three daily doses,. omega fish oil supplements, flax seed oil and vitamin B complex. Bathe her in aveeno, let her just sit in a good aveeno bath for a few minutes before rinseing completely. Children's benadryl will help the itch while your other methods have time to take hold, but use sparingly as it will make her very sleepy.  Make SURE she drinks a lot of water. Putting a humidifier in your room at night will also help her a great deal.
I think if you adopt these suggestions you will find within thirty days or less her allergies have cleared up,
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